Solar Panels Plus manufactures and supplies a full line of racking solutions for both flat plate and evacuated tube solar thermal collectors. Racking systems’ different configurations let installers position a solar hot water system to optimize the collector’s solar hot water output.
Solar evacuated tube collectors, as well as solar flat plate collectors, can be installed with a standard flush mount frame. This flush mount frame is made from high-quality stainless steel to ensure long-lasting durability regardless of weather conditions.
The angled frame allows solar evacuated tube and flat plate collectors to be installed at various angles. The angled frame for the evacuated tube collectors is adjustable from 28 degrees to 68 degrees, allowing the collector to be positioned for optimal performance. The angled frame for the solar flat plates also can be adjusted to various angles. This allows for a freestanding installation, which is necessary when installing on a flat roof, mounting on a wall or erecting on the ground.
The ballast mounting system is for installations where a solar evacuated tube thermal system must be installed on a roof that can’t be penetrated. This system integrates with the angled frame, and allows for weighted blocks to anchor the collector to the ground or to the roof without penetrating it.
For more information on racking systems, contact us.